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Passion and Career: the Meeting Point

Every month, the Double Edged Impact Network organises a special online training for members of the Network. This is in line with the Network’s commitment to building up the capacities of her members through well-packaged training. These events are always updated on this website under the Events listing.

For the month of June 2020, the Network is making the session open to the participation of interested members of the Public (whether members or not) and the theme is:

Passion and Career: the Meeting Point

This June edition is specially designed to help participants understand how to manage their Career/business and their Passion with focus on how they could ensure balance in all.

It shall have as speaker, Mr Wilson Ugwu, who is a PR/Media Partner, Ethiopian Airlines Enugu.  Wilson also is the CEO of Trend Discoveries, a destination branding and marketing Company. He is the Initiator of iTour Africa; a campaign geared towards promoting Africa as a Travel Destination through which he created campaigns such as iTour Akwa Ibom, CoalCity Tour, ALA-IGBO AMAKA and several others.

photo of Wilson Uche
Wilson Uche, PR/Media Partner, Ethiopian Airlines Enugu

Wilson is a Public Relations Manager, Travel Expert, Destination Branding and Marketing Consultant, Social Media Entrepreneur, Creative Director and Event Manager. He is a fellow of the Institute of Management Consultant and a Certified Management Consultant.

The schedule for this special online class is as follows:


Friday 12th June 2020


8 pm (Nigerian Time)


The DEIN Whatsapp Open Learning Platform

To participate, kindly fill out the registration form below


When you are done filling out the form, you will be redirected automatically to the Whatsapp Group. If you are not, send a Whatsapp Message to +2348082621464, requesting to be added to the Group.

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