Young Men Of Impact Awards

Celebrating Positive Impacts


YOMIA seeks to recognize young men creating and making impacts in the society.


The Awards seek to celebrate the individuals being recognized for the impacts they are making


The Awards seek, in addition to recognizing and celebrating young men, to promote them favourably

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About The Awards

The Young Men Of Impacts Awards is a special Recognition Awards instituted by the Incorporated Trustees of the Double Edged Impact Network.

The Awards is put in place to recognize and appreciate the amazing works being done by Young Men in various areas of endeavours to create and make positive impacts in the lives of others.

Please Note: The is simply a recognition award and has no monetary value.

Award Categories


The individual to be recognized shall be one who has verifiable success and proven track records in, leading others.

Social Impact

The individual to be recognized shall be one who is involved in creating impacts in the society through sustainable social projects. The individual may or may not be a founder of a Social Impact organization.


The individual to be recognized shall be one who has built or managed a successful business or start-up.

Private Sector (Career)

The individual to be recognized shall be one who is employed in the private sector and who has verifiable records of success.


The individual to be recognized shall be one who has verifiable accomplishments in the education sector, as a student, teacher or researcher.


The individual to be recognized shall be one in the Tech Space, who has built, building or is managing successful Tech solutions.

Environmental Sustainability Champion

The individual to be recognized shall be one who is committed to environmental conservation, climate action, or sustainable practices, promoting a greener and more eco-friendly future.

Arts and Creativity

The individual to be recognized shall be one who is making significant contributions to the arts, media, or cultural sectors. This includes creative professionals using their platforms to inspire social change or preserve cultural heritage.

African Young Man of the Year

This is a special award to be given to an individual who stands out across multiple categories, exemplifying exceptional leadership, innovation, and dedication to making a significant difference in Africa.


An individual qualified to receive the YOMI Award in any of the available categories shall be:

  • A young man 20-30 years of age
  • A citizen of any African Country
  • Must be resident in Africa as at the time of the nomination and selection
  • Employed or self-employed, in any line of business or career
  • Have a positive public record


The Nomination Process And Timeline

The process of selection of award recipients has been divided into four:

  • Nomination: October 3rd to 20th
  • Committee Consideration: October 20th to 25th
  • Notification And Acceptance of Nomination: October 25th to 30th
  • Announcement and Presentation: November 23rd

How To Nominate

To nominate a young man for the  YOMI Award in any of the available categories:

  • Consider the eligibility criteria listed above and be sure the individual meets them
  • Prepare in writing a justification or reason why the individual is deserving of the award
  • Get the basic information about the person such as what they do, contact details, where they live, age, social media links etc as you will need those to complete the nomination
  • Access the nomination form below to submit your nomination
  • Have a positive public record
  • Interested persons may nominate themselves

The Selection Process

The Awards Committee will select recipients for each award category based solely on the information provided within each nomination form.

This is why it is important to ensure you are making a good case for your nominee. 

  • Provide specific examples and facts to back your nomination
  • The Awards committee shall consider all nominations made and shortlist first for further consideration those who meet the criteria before proceeding to judge the impacts of the nominees
  • All nominees shall receive a letter and certificate of nomination but only winners shall be announced and recognized publicly by the organizers.

Register For The Young Men Conference 2023